Акриловый холст

Акриловый холст

Акриловый холст

Acrylic canvas is an easy-to-maintain material made from impregnated cotton fibre. Its solid weight of 250 g/m2, combined with its water repellency, guarantees that products made from it will work well in restaurant interiors as well as in outdoor gardens.

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Как ухаживать за акриловым холстом?

Acrylic canvases are very practical to use, their care need only be limited to cyclical dry or wet wiping of the surface as required. Acrylic canvas is problematic to repair, thus we advise you to avoid sharp edges and cuts in the material. Acrylic is not fully heat resistant, so it is better not to use them in close proximity to cookers or radiators. We recommend storing the acrylic canvas products themselves in a dark and dry place.

Как чистить акриловый холст?

Важная информация

Описанные правила не относятся к нанесенным логотипам, которые гораздо больше подвержены растворению и смыванию, в случае декорирования, например, горячего тиснения цветной фольгой или печати. Такие участки не следует чистить, а только очень аккуратно протирать хлопчатобумажной тканью и чистой водой.

Акриловый холст info

The nature of acrylic canvas makes it highly resistant to discolouration and stains, and any soiling up to a certain point is grossly superficial, so a damp cloth, or damp wipes to wipe away dirt from furniture or electronics, is ideal for cleaning. After washing, the product should be dried thoroughly with a towel.

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