Our materials
For LUVA products we use only materials of European origin. The leathers from which LUVA products are made are produced in Germany, Italy and Poland, the cardboard and threads come from the UK and Austria, while the glues and fittings are from Polish manufacturers.
Quality has its price, which is why we select the best suppliers without compromise. With a view to protecting human health and the environment, our products comply with the European Union's REACH regulation.
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A few words about care
Картите за меню и калъфите за банкноти са продукти, които се използват интензивно - те имат и представителна функция и с тях контактуват всички клиенти. За да се запази привлекателният им външен вид, те трябва да бъдат правилно защитени. Кожените изделия могат да останат в добро състояние дълго време при правилно импрегниране, грижа и почистване.
Good to know
It is important to react to stains as soon as possible - further use of the menu card and the passing of time will only perpetuate the stain until it becomes impossible to remove. If you notice a stain, first wipe it off with a slightly damp cotton cloth.
Before using a cleaning product, it is a good idea to test it on an unused menu or an invisible part of the card. Then apply the chosen cleaner directly to the stain using cotton swabs or the items described in the cleaner's instructions.
Whichever detergent is used, the whole process should be carried out with care in order to avoid smearing and rubbing the stain into the fabric. Strong chemicals and any harsh cleaning agents should also be avoided.
The rules described do not apply to applied logos, which are much more susceptible to dissolving and washing off, in the case of decorations such as hot stamping with coloured foil or printing. Such areas should not be cleaned, but only wiped very gently with a cotton cloth and clean water.