Chutné po celém světě
Datum přidání: 25. září 2020 14:03Ať už se jedná o snídani, pracovní oběd nebo večeři s přáteli, chceme, aby bylo setkání příjemné. O výběru restaurace může rozhodovat věhlas šéfkuchaře nebo typ jídel, která se v ní podávají, ale stejně často i vnímání signálů, které nám vysílá okolí. A nejde jen o to, jestli se nám líbí skandinávský nebo rustikální, industriální nebo okouzlující dekor. Chuť pokrmu ovlivňuje také světlo, barva, zvuk, tvar a dokonce i hmotnost.
.So breakfast, which is meant to energise us and give us energy for the rest of the day, requires a brighter light than the one in which we want to have a celebratory dinner. In the evening, dim, atmospheric light works best, where lit candles will create an intimate atmosphere. Such light encourages a slower tasting of more refined dishes.
Just as the colour of food influences the taste experience, this relationship also applies to the colour of the dishes. For example, we associate red with sweetness, evoking the taste of ripe fruit. An experiment conducted in 2011 on 60 participants showed that salty popcorn eaten from a red bowl seemed sweeter than that from a white bowl. The colour blue, on the other hand, takes away the appetite, which is also well known to cookbook publishers, who do not bind their books with blue covers. The safest in this respect always remains elegant white, contrasting with the colour of the dish, but don't be afraid of black either. It has been proven that, like pink, it enhances the flavour of desserts. Speaking of sweets, avoid square crockery. Experiments have shown that the same dessert served on a round plate and on a square plate, tasted from the former seemed sweeter.
Not only the plates, but also the weight of the cutlery plays a role in the perception of food taste. The larger it is, the higher the quality of the dish appears. For guests who are not culinary experts, it is difficult to judge at the table which grade of beef the beefsteak was fried from. This only an experienced chef can do. However, the heavier the cutlery they use, the better the meat will seem to them.
Finally, we cannot fail to mention sound. The music flowing in the background should be unobtrusive enough not to interfere with conversation and encourage you to stay at the table for longer.